With a background in ecology, combined with extensive experience in scaling businesses, Jim was drawn to the fight against climate change and the ecological disaster it’s bringing with it. In 2019 Jim co-founded The Future Forest Company – a reforestation effort with a mission to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and restore biodiversity across the UK.   

Realising that tree planting could only go so far in helping solve the climate crisis, UNDO was born to deliver large-scale carbon removal projects with a permanence of 100,000+ years. With pioneering enhanced rock weathering technology, UNDO aims to be the first company to remove one billion tonnes of CO₂. This nature-based process also improves soil fertility, food security and the health of our oceans. 

When Jim is not busy creating a liveable planet for future generations, he runs competitively at ultra-distance, his favourite events being 100-mile or more mountain races. He lives in Scotland with his partner Liz and their two young children.