Agenda – Carbon Forward Expo 2024

Carbon Forward 2024 is multi-faceted conference experience. It has been uniquely curated by a team with decades of environmental markets experience. The agenda is suited to a long-standing stakeholder as well as a new participant in climate markets, and will detail risks, opportunities, obligations and how to successfully navigate the carbon markets. All sessions will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in-person.

Carbon Forward 2024 will comprise:

  • Day One: Global Carbon Markets & Finance
  • Day Two: European Compliance Markets
  • Day Three: The Evolving Voluntary Carbon Market

08.00  Registration and coffee

09.00  Keynote: Focusing on the enormity of the challenge ahead to reach net zero and the investment required

09.15  Exploring Asian carbon markets

  • How is regulation dictating the types of credits that can be exported? A focus on India, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
  • Singapore is among the leading buyer countries in terms of setting up bilateral Article 6 agreements, how have they done this?

09.45  Navigating North America’s carbon markets

  • A review of the continent’s cap-and-trade schemes and carbon pricing regimes. WCI and RGGI are undergoing major reforms, while Washington state’s ETS and Canada’s carbon tax could be voted out.

10.30  Coffee & networking break

11.00  The details from down under – Australia & New Zealand

  • Australia: Compliance entity behaviour and the Safeguard Mechanism – how will the Australian market respond to the upcoming surrender period and what will happen to the ACCU prices? What effect will the Carbon Abatement Contract exit window have on prices as well as supply dynamics?
  • New Zealand: Under the new government how is the Emissions Trading Scheme and the Emissions Reduction Plan 2 going to address longer term issues in the ETS and broader climate policy? What are some of the key structural issues that need addressing to stabilise the market, what role for example will forestey play?

11.30  Rest of the world carbon markets: South America, Africa, MENA & Turkey

  • How are different regions, or countries, approaching ETS development. To what extent are they similar to that of the EU, or reflect a response to CBAM? What are the clear drivers in particular regions behind exploring new forms of carbon pricing?

12.15  INVESTOR PANEL PART I – The impact of the global carbon pricing regimes

  • Carbon pricing has created new markets and products, with many new companies emerging and raising millions in investment. In this session, we look at how the various forms of carbon markets and taxes have opened up fresh spaces for start-ups to innovate and raise capital.

12.45  Lunch & networking

13.45  INVESTOR PANEL PART II – What’s hot and what’s not. Where does risk lie?

  • What are investors looking at when they consider carbon markets?

14.30  Removals going global: carbon removal types, costs, financing, investment opportunities and growth prospects

  • With the EU’s Carbon Removal Removal Framework (CRCF) coming into force, the market is entering a new phase driven by regulation. Yet the benefits offered by the US Inflation Reduction Act could still be more tempting for investors.

15.15  Coffee & networking

16.30  Article 6 latest developments

  • After a chaotic COP28 that saw Article 6 negotiations collapse, with many parties still clashing over key technical elements of international carbon trade as well as the UN.

17.10  IMO update (pricing mechanisms and carbon reduction choices)

  • Momentum to introduce a carbon tax on shipping is building, following the sector’s decision to target net zero ‘in or around’ 2050. We look at developments from the IMO’s MEPC 82 meeting, held in the days before Carbon Forward. Delegates are tasked with agreeing the mid-term measures, which should be approved in spring 2025 and finalised that autumn.

CORSIA – exploring supply, demand and what we learned from the practice phase

  • With the UN’s international aviation offsetting scheme now in Phase 1, and with more stringent rules around supply and demand for eligible units helping to boost prices, what has the market learned from its pilot phase, and what comes next?

17.45  Close of day one

18:00  Evening drinks

  • More details to follow shortly

08.00     Registration and coffee

09.15     Keynote

09.30    ETS2 unwrapped

  • With ETS2, carbon pricing policies are now hitting home, as they are being applied to road transport and heating fuels. Is Europe on track and what are policymakers looking at?

10.00    EU ETS: catching up 

  • With the EU entering a new five-year political cycle, what are the perspectives for the EU ETS? Is Europe’s flagship climate policy tool headed for another review?

10.40    UK legislation catch-up

  • UK carbon allowance prices have diverged from the EU ETS with regulatory uncertainty doing little to address market oversupply. Will the new government and potential supply balancing reforms, as well as new sectors introduced later in the decade, keep this divergence to the EU market, or could linkage come back on the table?

11.20     Coffee & networking

11.50    Trader panel – what do top traders think are the big opportunities in European compliance markets

  • There is always money to be made on the market. In this session we speak to several traders to get their views on the opportunities present in the EU and UK ETS.

12.30     Lunch & networking 

13.30     Shipping in the EU ETS

  • With compliance starting as of 2026, how prepared are shipping companies to enter the EU ETS?

14.10    Aviation, the EU, and the 2026 review

  • The EU has until 2026 to review the effectiveness of CORSIA on emissions. With two years to go, how far have we gone?

14.50     Coffee & networking break

15.20    Removals in the UK & EU ETS – how will it work? GGRs in the UK, Carbon Removal Certification Framework in the EU

  • The UK was among the first jurisdictions to announce the intent to integrate carbon removals into its compliance carbon market. Meanwhile, the EU is developing its CRCF legislation that will attempt to define and certify carbon removals. This sessions explores the two approaches, their similarities and differences, and takes stock of the progress.

16.20     Analyst showdown: supply, demand and future prices

17.30    Close of day two

08.00     Registration and coffee

09.00     Opening remarks

09.15     Keynote

09.30    The big debate: Are the CCPs the future of the VCM or a distraction?

  • A move by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) to create a quality benchmark in the market by deciding the crediting programmes and methodologies eligible for the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) could unlock fresh investment and reassure buyers. But has the lengthy and highly technical process created confusion in the market for some participants?

10.10    New standards, new methodologies: a catch-up

  • As well as integrity initiatives, new standards and methodological revisions in the voluntary carbon market also want to address issues around past quality. This session takes stock and provides an overview of what many hope will represent the next phase of the market.

11.00     Coffee & networking break

11.30    Ratings, what are they good for?

  • Multiple voluntary carbon ratings agencies have sprung up in a bid to assess to what extent a tonne of carbon is actually reduced or removed across different projects. This session assesses their impact so far and their role moving forward.

12.10    Green claims guidance – what are companies allowed to say?

  • With oversight on corporate claims tightening up, this sessions looks at the changing environment for marketers under the upcoming EU Green Claims Directive.

12.50     Lunch & networking

13.50    Financing the VCM: What works, what is needed?

14.30    Carbon removals – who pays?

  • How can removals be part of a voluntary carbon market? Removals are expensive – from carbon farming to DACCS and BECCS, who will pay for what and why?

15.10     Coffee & networking

15.40    Long-term demand: What does the VCM look like in 5 and 10 years

  • What are the current and future drivers of carbon credit demand? New phases for the UN’s CORSIA scheme, as well as the potentially huge demand from corporate net zero targets, could inject significant momentum into the market over the coming years. But just how much and when might these buyers materialise?

16.20     Accounting for carbon – best practice and other things to watch out for

  • In response to new corporate carbon accounting and reporting regulation around the world, such as the EU’s CSRD, new platforms and tools have emerged to help firms comply with tighter environmental rules. This session explores the fresh regulatory challenges that companies face ahead.

17.10    VCM retirement and pricing trends

  • What conclusions can be be drawn from the voluntary carbon market after a long stretch of price decline during which retirements have mostly held stable.

17.40    What will happen: regulationss on VCM, ETS, insetting, tax?

18.00     Close of conference

More information to follow shortly

Reasons to attend Carbon Forward 2024
  • Benchmark best practice
  • policy
    Discover the latest policy developments
  • Learn at the training workshops
  • Achieve your environmental market goals
  • Network with your industry peers
  • Map out your carbon exposure
  • and explore the best methods to minimise costs
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