Leading the way in environmental markets
Following the pandemic and the energy crisis in Europe, the environmental markets in the Mediterranean have gained momentum as a central tool for Companies in the region to achieve their emissions reductions targets through transparent carbon pricing and a robust cap-and-trade mechanism. The increased ambition that the EC has announced as part of its Fit for 55 package will bring the shipping sector in the EU ETS market and increase compliance costs for industrial installations and airlines operating in the region.
Carbon Forward Mediterranean is designed for:
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If you would like to submit a proposal to speak, please email [email protected].
If you would like information on sponsorship, please email [email protected].
This event has limited capacity. Priority will be given to emitting installations and other organisations with carbon compliance obligations, legal service providers, and government representatives.
Please note, all registrations will be reviewed before ticket purchases are confirmed.
Many thanks for your understanding.
All registered attendees will receive the recording for this conference. Further event details will be sent to registered attendees who have also been invited and confirmed to attend the complimentary in-person event in Athens on the 22nd.
EUR 695
Group discounts are available for 3+ registrations from the same organisation, this gives you all the discount of 10% off your registration fee.
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