BISWAS, Subhendu

Subhendu Biswas is a Sustainability professional with working experience of over 30 years. Since last
more than four and a half years, he has been working as Director- Climate Action at Global Carbon
Council. He graduated from the University of Burdwan, India in 1994; he has extensive professional
experience on sustainable development, waste management, Climate Change & Carbon Markets since
2004 and was also into CDM Projects Development, Cleantech, Energy Management, QMS/EHS Audit
and Oil and Gas operations in United Arab Emirates, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Germany, Switzerland,
South Africa, South Korea, Mozambique, Pakistan, and United Kingdom. He also has International
Experience of working on various projects and assignments of public, private, and various multilateral
development and donor organizations like UNFCCC, KFW, UNIDO, and SDC.
Mr. Biswas is involved in methodology development in new mitigation areas like CCS for GCC and into
co-ordination and assessment of carbon mitigation projects. He is also responsible for Micro-Hydro
projects in India and overseas. and for design and implementation of CSR deliveries like Water and
Energy solutions for remote off grid rural areas of India. Mr. Biswas is involved in the introduction of
energy based sustainable water solutions to the water stressed regions of India and other developing
countries. He is specialized in conducting Water Audit, Water management and Carbon footprint services
for corporates and introduced carbon strategies and helped formulate long-term strategies for energy
intensive industries. He has handheld corporates in implementing energy management systems (ISO
50001). He also helps firms in assessing and managing climate change related risks and ESG issues
and disclosure of corporates strategy to mitigate the risks to stakeholders. He oversaw the carbon
management of one of the largest landfill gas projects in MENA, he is responsible for putting in place the
MRV protocol for monitoring the environmental attributes of the waste management project.