GODFREY, peter

Based in Singapore, Peter is the chief representative of the Energy Institute (EI) in the Asia Pacific region.   

Despite a long career in the oil and gas industry, mainly with BP in upstream oil and gas and latterly in energy finance, Peter is now a strong advocate for the energy sector’s need to transition towards a cleaner, greener future. Particular areas of focus include the promotion of resource and operational efficiency through creating a more “circular economy” and recognition of the need to incorporate a more holistic, whole value-chain approach, to dealing with Scope 3 emissions.

Peter is also actively involved in activities related to promoting the need for, and accelerating the development of, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects and so-called Carbon Clusters aimed at integrating technologies devoted to creating the cleaner/ greener energy systems we all require in the years to come. Strongly linked to this the development of the Hydrogen Economy and strong connectivity with scaling up renewable energy production activity.  Within this context, Peter is also the regional Vice President of a company called STOREGGA, probably the largest UK-based independent company entirely focused on pioneering the development of the carbon value-chain through developing integrated carbon reduction and removal solutions. Storegga is now active throughout Europe and the USA and is building an increasing presence in the Asia Pacific region.