Gerald Ouellette is the Director of Offset Advisory at ClearBlue Markets. He works at the forefront of North American compliance carbon markets and the voluntary carbon market (VCM) globally. He advises on carbon regulations and clean fuel opportunities, develops client offset strategies and decarbonization roadmaps, advances offset project due diligence and methodology assessments and advises on carbon monetization opportunities to maximize impact and reduce risks.

Gerald previously worked for the leading standard setter in the VCM, Verra. There, as Manager of Energy Innovation, he led the development of emission accounting methodologies for the energy sector and the energy transition. Specifically, Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) methodologies for carbon capture and storage (CCS), direct air capture (DAC), bioenergy with CCS (BECCS), the abandonment of oil and gas wells and the early retirement of coal-fired power plants. Gerald led the Government of Alberta’s CCS policy team in creating subsurface regulations for CCS projects, monitoring, measurement, and verification (MMV) plan requirements and the technical review of CCUS hub project applications. He has worked at the forefront of air, water, energy and mineral development policy and technical evaluations to ensure sustainable resource development and the acceleration of measurable, high-integrity and permanent decarbonization initiatives.