H.B.Sc.F. and M.Sc.F. Lakehead University

David has been a professional forester in Canada for over 25 years and over that time has worked for industry, consultants, and government. David joined Finite Carbon in 2021 and is leading the expansion of the company in Canada. Finite Carbon is the global leader in the development and sale of Improved Forest Management (IFM) offset credits having sold more than 100 million credits since 2009.

Prior to joining Finite Carbon, David worked at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment where for three years he led climate and offset policy development as Director of Climate Change Policy and Programs. For ten years prior, David led the forest policy and forest renewal programs for the Saskatchewan Forest Service in Prince Albert. David worked as a consultant in Thunder Bay on forest management plans and forest audits before moving to Saskatchewan. David began his adventure in forestry by planting trees and swatting blackflies in northern Ontario.

David is a Registered Professional Forester in Saskatchewan, Alberta, New Brunswick, and Ontario.