Tetyana Payosova is a senior associate at Van Bael & Bellis in Geneva, where she practises international trade law, with a particular emphasis on WTO law and preferential trade agreements, international dispute resolution, and also advises on EU regulatory and trade matters.

In the field of international trade law, Tetyana advises clients on procedural and substantive aspects of WTO law and FTAs. Tetyana represented sovereign clients in a number of WTO disputes involving a broad range of substantive areas, including trade in goods, technical barriers to trade, safeguards, subsidies, government procurement, trade facilitation, as well as general and security exceptions. She also advises governments and corporate clients on WTO and FTA negotiations.

In addition to international trade law, Tetyana advises clients on EU regulatory and trade matters. Her practice focuses particularly on environmental, climate change and energy-related issues. Tetyana advises corporate clients, industry associations, export promotion agencies and governments on the design and trade aspects of recent EU regulatory initiatives, including the EU CBAM Regulation, the Deforestation-Free Products Regulation, the Critical Raw Materials Act, the Net-Zero Industry Act and the Forced Labour Products Ban Regulation, as well as on EU sustainability requirements and EU renewable energy legislation. Tetyana also co-leads VBB’s CBAM task force.