K Umamaheswaran has 16+ years of experience in climate change, carbon markets and renewable energy.   

In the Climate change domain, he has detailed experience in GHG mitigation technologies, carried out GHG profiling of cities and various standalone products. Pre Kyoto, he was leading the Carbon Procurement Unit of GIZ and managing a portfolio of 6 Million tonnes of emissions reductions and worked with various power companies in Europe. He structured various carbon financing transactions in the country. 

In the renewable energy spectrum, he has implemented and maintained several decentralised solar systems including rooftop installations in both residential and commercial establishments. He works with multilateral banks to provide due diligence on solar power plants, solar pumping projects, focussing on system selection and their technical evaluation, site assessments, vendor identification, overseeing installation etc.

Currently he is an consultant with: 

  1. TERI working in GHG mitigation projects, emissions profiling and carbon markets, clean energy projects financing, Just Transition  
  2. KfW as Clean Energy Expert, pursuing technical support on the Indo German Solar Program clean energy investments across India 

One of the last assignments is with collaboration with international team which developed the Carbon market registry for Saudi Arabia and ETS.